About CONF-CIAP 2025

The 4th International Conference on Computing Innovation and Applied Physics (CONF-CIAP 2025) is a leading conference on computing innovation, mathematics and applied mathematics, theoretical physics, applied physics. CONF-CIAP 2025 is open to international participants. It provides an excellent opportunity for scholars interested in mathematics, physics, and computing innovation to share their findings and achievements, thus promoting communication and cooperation. This conference is supported by faculty members from Northumbria University, University of Florida, University of Southern California and University of St-Andrews.

To break the barriers of time and space and to provide seamless communication opportunities for worldwide scholars, CONF-CIAP 2025 will be organized distributedly with dispersed venues. Transnational academic workshops are the decentralized co-organisers of CONF-CIAP 2025. These workshops focus on more specific topics and may have independent submission and publication processes. Besides these workshops, CONF-CIAP 2025 is a hybrid conference, establishing an online session and welcoming participants from all countries and regions to join whenever and wherever possible.

The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to highlight the importance of computing innovation, mathematics and applied mathematics, theoretical physics, applied physics, as well as establish new collaborations in these areas. The conference looks for significant contributions to mathematics, physics, and computing innovation in theoretical and practical aspects.


The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cluster Computing
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Machine Learning
  • Mobile Computing
  • Scientific Computing
  • Scientific Visualization
  • The Internet of Things
  • Advanced Numerical Algorithms
  • Deep Learning
  • Image Processing
  • Robotics and Automation Sciences
  • Sensors and Sensor Networks
  • Semiconductors
  • Web and Grid based Simulation and Computing
  • Applied Partial Differential Equations
  • Integral Equations
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Probability Theory
  • Mathematical Methods
  • Nonlinear Problems in Mechanics
  • Game Theory
  • Control Theory
  • Image Processing
  • Cryptography
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Fuzzy Mathematics and Its Applications
  • Algebra and Its Application
  • Geometry
  • Optimization and Operational Research
  • Statistics
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Baysian Inference
  • Regression Analysis Estimation Theory
  • Econometrics
  • Sampling Theory
  • Planning and Scheduling
  • Discrete Applied Mathematics
  • Algorithms
  • Neural Networks
  • Astrophysics
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
  • Black Hole Thermodynamics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Conservation of Energy
  • Dark Energy and Matter
  • Electromagnetism and Field Theory
  • Gamma-ray Emission in the Universe
  • General Relativity
  • Gravitational Waves
  • Hadron Structure, Spectroscopy and Dynamics
  • High Energy Physics
  • Non-perturbative Field Theory
  • Optical Model
  • Particle Physics
  • Physical Cosmology
  • Precision Spectroscopy and Frequency Standards
  • Soft Matter Physics
  • Solid Mechanics and Special Relativity
  • Theory of Astronomical Navigation
  • Theory of Astronomical Time Keeping
  • Accelerator Physics
  • Accelerator Research and Development
  • Acoustics, Noise and Vibration
  • Applications of Particle Trapping
  • Biophysics, Medical Physics
  • Detectors and Data Handling
  • Engineering Physics
  • Instrumentation and Control Components
  • Magnetic Devices and Materials
  • Structural Mechanics and Structural
  • Materials Physics
  • Mechanics, Rheology and Tribology
  • Nano and Metamaterials
  • Neuromorphic Computing
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Quantum Chromodynamics and Quantum Computers
  • Spin Dynamics
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Stealth Technology
  • Storage Ring Physics
  • Systems and Automation

Important Dates

Conference Date

January 17, 2025

Submission & Payment Deadline

Type Conference Submission Workshop Chicago
Paper Submission January 10, 2025 November 13, 2024
Review Process 2 weeks 2 weeks
Revise & Acceptance 2 weeks 2 weeks
Registration & Payment 2 weeks 2 weeks

Review Process

The submission will first be reviewed for its topic and length, then go through an originality check. The peer-review process will begin soon after the paper is found to be qualified. The paper will be sent to have a double-blind peer review by 2 reviewers. They will judge the paper based on the theme, coverage, innovation, integrity, depth, and language. If the paper is accepted, notification of acceptance and review comments will be sent to the author via email. The actual review time may be different under certain situations.

Submission & Template

Please follow this link to find more info & requirements about submitting your paper

Submission Info



We call for excellent papers and review them according to the requirements of each journal. Qualified submissions will be directly recommended for publication in the following journals or corresponding Special Issues. The journals listed below have been indexed by Science Citation Index (SCI)/Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) and/or Social Science Citation Index (SSCI):

  • JCRQ1 - Mathemtatic [Impact Factor: 2.4; CiteScore: 3.5]
  • JCRQ2 - Axioms [Impact Factor: 2.0; CiteScore: 2.2]

Please refer to the 'Information > Publication' page for specific recommendation rules and guidelines.

Conference Proceedings

Accepted papers of CONF-CIAP 2025 will be published in Conference Proceedings, and will be submitted to EI Compendex, Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Crossref, CNKI, Portico, Engineering Village (Inspec), Google Scholar, and other databases for indexing. The situation may be affected by factors among databases like processing time, workflow, policy, etc.

Welcome to join us

We welcome prospective scholars to submit their novel research or technological contributions to CONF-CIAP 2025 and share their valuable experiences with other scientists and students from all over the world.

Who will attend

Principal investigators, scientists, professors, engineers, managers, R&D professionals, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students involved in Computing Innovation and Applied Physics will attend and benefit from CONF-CIAP 2025.

Join as reviewer

We sincerely welcome professors, associate professors, lecturers and other experts in the areas of Computing Innovation and Applied Physics to join the conference as reviewers. Please feel free to email us at info@confciap.org to request further information if you are interested. Your request will be processed in 5 workdays.

Join as presenter

If you are interested in giving a presentation at the conference without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you can attend CONF-CIAP 2025 as a presenter. As a presenter, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation before registration. For further information, please feel free to contact us at info@confciap.org.

Join as audience

CONF-CIAP 2025 is an unmissable conference. It is a good opportunity and an effective method to meet many renowned experts and researchers in the fields of Computing Innovation and Applied Physics. You are more than welcome to attend this great event. For further information, please feel free to contact us at info@confciap.org.

Previous Speakers

Michael Harre, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sydney

Dr. Harre's research combines the psychology of decision theory with artificial intelligence to understand complex social dynamics. Currently he's working on how to replicate a 'theory of mind' for AI and how AI communities co-create knowledge and can cooperate with humans. More generally Dr. Harre is interested in the psychology of AI: how can we use what we know of the mesoscopic scale of human cognition to advance our understanding of machine intelligence, i.e. beyond what is being done at the micro-scale of modelling neurons. He also has extensive experience in agent based modelling, economics, big data analytics, and game non-linear dynamics.

Title of Speech: Game Theory and the Free Energy Principle for Artificial Intelligence

Eli Kapon

Achintya Haldar, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, College of Engineering, University of Arizona

Dr. Achintya Haldar is active in the related areas of this presentation for over four decades and has published extensively. He taught at Illinois Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, and now at the University of Arizona. He was a Guest Professor at the University of Tokyo, Visiting Professor at the IISc -Bangalore, IIT - Kanpur, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, Honorary Distinguished Visiting Professor at BESU. He also worked Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi and Bechtel Power Corp, Los Angeles. Dr. Haldar has published over 640 technical articles (Google Scholar), including 12 books (edited included), and 38 book chapters. Dr. Haldar is a Distinguished Member of ASCE and a Fellow of SEI. He also received Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Reliability and Safety and an Honorable Diploma from the Czech Society for Mechanics. He received the highest teaching award from the University of Arizona and inducted in to Teaching Excellence Award Wall, Georgia Tech. He received many research awards including from President Reagan, ASCE's Huber Civil Engineering Research prize, and John C. Park Outstanding Civil Engineer Award. He received Excellence in Research Journal Award, IGI Global; Certificate of Recognition from Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia; Polis University, Albania; EuroSciCon, France; Euro Congress, London; Certificate of Appreciation, Taishan Academic Forum on Structural Safety and Reliability Assessment, China; and Honorable Recognition Award from ASME.

Title of Speech: Computing Innovation in the Reliability Analyses of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems in the Metaverse Era - REDSET

Emanuel Indrei

Emanuel Indrei, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Purdue University

Emanuel Indrei is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Purdue University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 2013 under the direction of Alessio Figalli. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Australian National University, a Huneke Postdoctoral Scholar at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, and a PIRE Postdoctoral Associate at Carnegie Mellon University. The main themes in his research are nonlinear PDEs, free boundary problems, and geometric & functional inequalities. In the last few years, he solved the non-transversal intersection conjecture, Almgren's problem in two dimensions, and he made progress towards the Polya-Szego conjecture.

Title of Speech: On the First Eigenvalue of the Laplacian for Polygons

Bhupesh Kumar

Bhupesh Kumar, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St-Andrews

Bhupesh Kumar is currently working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the School of Physics and Astronomy, at the University of St-Andrews, Scotland, UK. He completed his first postdoctoral studies in May 2020 as a PBC Postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Prof. Patrick Sebbah, where he played a leading role in the development of a complex experiment set up to study active control of 1D disorder gain media (Random laser), Impact of Non-Hermiticity and Nonlinear Interactions on Disordered-Induced Localized Modes, 1D and 2D solid-state tunable random laser. He has expertise in the subject of light localization, disorder photonics (1D, 2D), wave propagation in disorder media, adaptive optics, and hands-on experience in state-of-the-art instruments such as e-beam lithography, SEM, imaging spectrometer, femtolasers, Raman spectrometer, spatial light modulator, streak camera, and others. He has also completed his Ph.D. from IISER, Mohali, India,, where he worked on large angle twist properties of spider silks using optical diffraction technique and Raman spectroscopy.

Title of Speech: Controlling Random Lasers to Investigate Localization

Bismark Singh, Ph.D.

Bismark Singh, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton

Bismark Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Operational Research group within the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton, UK. He received his habilitation in mathematics (2023), from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany in 2023 where he worked from 2019 to 2022. He received his PhD and MS degrees in operations research from The University of Texas at Austin, US in 2016 and 2013, respectively, and a BTech degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. From 2016 to 2019, he worked at the Discrete Math & Optimization group at Sandia National Laboratories, US, as a postdoctoral appointee. In 2017, he was a postdoc in the Institute of Operations Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. Bismark's work has been funded as a PI on grants by several agencies, including the US Department of Energy's Laboratory Directed Research & Development program, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the European Open Science Cloud by the Horizon 2020 program, and the Scientific and Technological Research Institution of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).

Title of Speech: Optimization Models for Improving Access for Target Populations during Pandemics

Tommaso Cremaschi

Tommaso Cremaschi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor (RTPC) of Mathematics, University of Southern California

Tommaso Cremaschi is an Assistant Professor (RTPC) of Mathematics in Department of Mathematics at University of Southern California. He was a Viterbi Post-Doc at MSRI at the program: Random and Arithmetic Structures in Topology. Before that he got the PhD at Boston College. He is interested in low dimensional topology. In particular he has been studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds with non-finitely generated fundamental group. He is also interested in higher Teichmüller Theory and counting problems on surfaces.

Title of Speech: Volume of Random Geodesic Complements

Partner Journals

CONF-CIAP cooperates with the following journals and qualified papers have the opportunity to be recommended for publication in these journals.

The Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems (JDSIS) is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that provides in-depth coverage of the latest advances in the closely related fields of data science and intelligent systems.

JDSIS considers researches that focus on data integration, data information and knowledge extraction, and data application in a wide range of fields, including health, education, agriculture, biology, medicine, finance, environment, engineering, commerce, and industry. By integrating data with computer science, artificial intelligence, and other appropriate methods, the scope of JDSIS covers the entire process of areas of Data Science and Intelligent Systems.

The journal is a Gold Open Access journal. Online readers don't have to pay any fee.

All Article Processing Charges (APCs) are waived until the end of 2023.